If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of its self."
– Henry Ford
One major way to control costs is to use Forward Land’s full-service Digital Imaging Department, in conjunction with our in-house title landmen. Instead of sending landmen to county courthouses to run title, we can send our trained photographers to digitally image instruments and then run title from a remote location. This method offers several benefits:
Forward Land has the ability to effectively and economically acquire leases on any sized project, from a single section to a vast area across many townships, abstracts, surveys, and counties. We utilize our many years of buying experience to obtain leases at or below the authorized maximum bonus and royalty. Our in-house staff sets the industry standard for tracking and monitoring progress, economics, and status of the lease play. Finally, we collect curative throughout the leasing process which allows us to strengthen the validity of leases as they are bought and simplify the post-spud curative process.
We are very skilled in not only simple sections, but also the extremely convoluted metes and bounds tracts, and various “stacked formation” land plays. Further, Forward Land has a wealth of experience in handling complex held by production areas. In addition to the standard mineral interest ownership, we can also report the working interest, overriding royalty interest, and net revenue interest as needed.
Many of our landmen have previous in-house A&D department experience which allows Forward Land to efficiently and skillfully review all aspects of an acquisition or divestiture. Our landmen are knowledgeable on all types of A&D activity.
Forward Land is fully equipped to assist with the acquisition of well location and access roads, pipeline right of way, electric transmission lines, water lines, sanitary sewer lines, and fiber optic lines. With the use of our full service title department to aid in the determination of ownership, information is easily transferred to Ownership Reports and Line Lists for project reports and the use of our Acquisition Agents.
We are fully staffed to analyze and resolve all oil and gas land title situations involving defects in marketable title and determining the proper procedure to correct the defects. We research all available sources of title and heirship information to prepare documents to satisfy objections and requirements from title opinions or ownership reports.
Most states have a similar process for regulating oil and gas, but are distinct in how that process is implemented. Forward Land is qualified to take the stand as an expert witness in official hearings and has a working knowledge of what applications or permits are required to comply with your state’s regulations.